Best Employee Engagement - Monthly Spotlight Articles - Red

In February, our Employee Engagement Briefings highlighted 40 employee engagement-related articles. Each week, one article is selected as the Spotlight Article. Here is a recap of the Spotlight Articles of February 2019.

To Improve Your Team, First Work on Yourself

Harvard Business Review: “The good news is that internal self-awareness can be learned. To start, you — as a leader of the team or a teammate — can pause, reflect, and consider your responses to these questions when you find yourself in challenging or emotionally-charged scenarios.”

Effective Leadership: taking note from 5 top CEOs

Jostle: “Effective leadership requires constant improvement, self awareness, and exceptional communication. But it’s also about understanding your people’s needs. Here’s what five top CEOs had to say about how to be an effective leader.”

Management Really Help Every Employee Become Their Best Self?

15Five: “I’m about to introduce you to a proven methodology called Best-Self Management, that has led to unbelievable success at my company, and for every employee. By building a work culture and instituting practices that supported each person in being and becoming their best self, high performance and uncommon loyalty resulted naturally across the board. But first it’s important for you to understand how I got here.”

Journey Mapping: Attract and Retain Employees by Mapping the Employee Experience

VRM Intel: “Journey mapping provides clear, tangible benefits. A brand that does what it promises attracts better talent and increases employee engagement and retention. It’s a challenging task and requires a lot of effort, but the rewards are too tempting to ignore. So how do you get started?”

Fellow Agents, what are your thoughts on this month’s must-read intelligence? What must-reads would you suggest?

Let’s Engage!  

I’m Agent in Engagement Simpson…Gregory F Simpson.  

Employee engagement is a critical mission. I hope I can count on your help! Subscribe to the RSS Feed to receive the latest intelligence/insights and/or register to make entries in the comments log.  

Photo of Gregory F Simpson

You can follow me @agtinengagement.  
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P.S.  First contact? Welcome to the Agent In Engagement community. Explore and join fellow employee engagement operatives in targeting a known thief – alias: Disengagement. Together we can bring this thief to justice and make the world a better place for all companies and their employees.  

Other recent Agent in Engagement data/reports by Agent Gregory F Simpson: