DECLASSIFIED - Wikimedia CommonsI’m Simpson…Gregory F Simpson, Agent In Engagement.  Below is the latest briefing on employee engagement intelligence. Follow @agtinengagement to stay current with the latest updates.



“These assets have been declassified and should be distributed to fellow “Agents” for review.”




Don’t Let Lazy Managers Drive Away Your Top Performers

Harvard Business Review: “Management is not easy, and it takes a lot more than common sense to develop and retain a highly motivated workforce these days. By abandoning the “just common sense” mentality associated with lazy management, managers can learn how their actions influence employees, stop looking for easy fixes, and exert the thought and effort that is uncommon in too many workplaces.”



Why Managers Stop Their Best Employees From Growing

Cake HR: “All managers want to see their employees grow. But mostly none want to see their employees growing too fast out of their own fears of becoming outshined or – even worse – obsolete.”



Maynard Webb Shares Business & Leadership Lessons He Learned From Yahoo, eBay, And IBM

The Future Organization: “Today’s guest, Maynard Webb, is a repeat guest from back in 2015. Maynard is the author of Dear Founder: Letters of Advice for Anyone Who Leads, Manages, or Wants to Start a Business. He is also the former COO of eBay, former CEO & Chairman at LiveOps, and a board member for Salesforce, Visa, and Everwise. Join us as we talk about Maynard’s experience working at companies like IBM and eBay, his advice to people who want to quit their jobs, how to drive corporate culture, how to get people excited about the work they do and more.”



What Makes a Great Place to Work in 2019?

The HR Director: “While advances in technology are transforming the way we work, enabling more freedom of choice over when and where we work, so too are people’s expectations from their employment. “



These 6 Companies Made Work-Life Balance More Than a Buzzword

LinkedIn Talent Blog: “A healthy work-life balance is one of the biggest predictors of employee happiness. In fact, more than half (53%) say it’s a “very important” factor for them in deciding whether to take a new job—and many are even willing to relocate to get it.” “But making work-life balance a core component of your culture—and showing employees that you truly value it—is easier said than done. Here are six innovative yet intuitive ways that companies around the world have helped encourage a better work-life balance for their employees—and won their loyalty as a result.”



The Future of Talent Management

HR Trend Institute: “On November 14, 2018, Tom Haak of the HR Trend Institute spoke with a team of HR professionals of Deutsche Telekom about the future of talent management, via Skype. In this video a summary of Tom’s answers to the questions of the team.”



Ten things to do on weekends to make your Monday more productive

Quartz at work: “Smart people know the importance of shifting gears on the weekend to relaxing and rejuvenating activities. They use their weekends to create a better week ahead. This is easier said than done, so here’s some help. The following are some things that you can do to find balance on the weekend and come into work at 110% on Monday morning.”



Could the Walkout Have Been a Positive Sign for Google’s Employee Engagement?

Entrepreneur: “Google CEO Sundar Pichai even sent employees an email supporting the walkout and promising the company would do better.”



Upskilling Workers to Future-proof Your Business

CMS Wire: “With the emergence of digital workplaces in the enterprise, finding the right talent is becoming increasingly difficult. According to research from Gartner-owned CEB at the end of 2017, all industries and verticals are under pressure to find skilled workers. This includes industries that have been traditionally on the cutting edge of enterprise development in recent years.”



Creating an Unforgettable Employee Experience, According to CollegWise’s Kevin McMullin

Tiny Pulse: “Employee engagement strategies can seem like intangible concepts for some company leadership, but founder Kevin McMullin tells us why it has had “revolutionary results” at Collegewise.”





Fellow Agents, what are your thoughts on this intelligence? What do you have to add?  What other sources should be consulted? Make entries in the comments log below.



Let’s Engage! 

I’m Agent in Engagement Simpson…Gregory F Simpson.

Employee engagement is a critical mission. I hope I can count on your help! Subscribe to the RSS Feed to receive the latest intelligence/insights and/or register to make entries in the comments log.

Photo of Gregory F SimpsonYou can follow me @agtinengagement.
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P.S.  First contact? Welcome to the Agent In Engagement community. Explore and join fellow employee engagement operatives in targeting a known thief – alias: Disengagement. Together we can bring this thief to justice and make the world a better place for all companies and their employees.

Other recent Agent in Engagement data/reports by Agent Gregory F Simpson: