Employee Engagement Best of the WeekBelow is a global briefing on some interesting employee engagement articles, blog posts, books, etc. that I came across last week.




Website: Business Standard (India)
Article: So you want to attract the best talent?
Link: http://www.business-standard.com/article/management/so-you-want-to-attract-the-best-talent-115012500642_1.html
Author: Charu Sabnavis

Comment: “Any retention strategy should start with setting up a basic integrated talent management processes, which connects the entire life cycle of employee experience.”




Website: HR Magazine (UK)
Article: Cooper: Engagement programmes have had no impact on wellbeing
Link: http://www.hrmagazine.co.uk/hro/news/1149350/cooper-engagement-programmes-impact-wellbeing
Author: Peter Crush

Comment: “Speaking to delegates at the second Why Mental Health Matters conference in London, [Cary] Cooper, [2014 HR Most Influential UK Thinker], claimed the biggest issue HRDs need to address is poor line management




Website: ATD (Association for Talent Development) blog
Article: Engagement Unbroken
Link: https://www.td.org/Publications/Blogs/Management-Blog/2015/01/Engagement-Unbroken?mktcops=c.mgmt~c.human-capital&mktcois=c.engagement-motivation~c.leadership-development~c.mentoring~c.organizational-dynamics
Author: Kevin Sheridan

Comment: The author compares the “incredible story of Louis Zamperini, a man who triumphed through unbelievable adversity, especially when he served in World War II” to that of “an engaged employee’s approach to work.”




Website: Starr Conspiracy (blog)
Article: Hottest HR Technology Solutions in 2015 [Infographic]
Link: http://blog.thestarrconspiracy.com/hottest-hr-technology-solutions-in-2015#hs_menu_wrapper_module_137634092925231
Author: Starr Conspiracy

Comment: “Together with Human Resource Executive®, The Starr Conspiracy Intelligence Unit surveyed 210 business leaders to discover what matters most to them as they consider buying HR technology solutions. A few of the high-level findings are captured here in our latest infographic, “Hottest HR Technology Solutions in 2015.” We reveal the top five categories that all respondents are considering buying and then break down what matters most to companies of different sizes and by various positions within those companies.”




Website: ATD (Association for Talent Development)
Webinar: Transforming Managers into Leaders (ATD) (Recorded & requires free registration)
Link: http://webcasts.td.org/webinar/1407
Presenter: Michael L Stallard

Comment: “Managers organize and oversee the completion of tasks. Leaders are managers to whom people feel connected, so they want to give their best effort and align their behavior with their leader’s goals. This webcast explores how managers become leaders people want to follow, and the attitude, language, and behaviors that separate managers from leaders.”




Website: Chartered Management Institute (UK)
Article: Challenge of upskilling line managers “faces every type of firm”
Link: http://www.managers.org.uk/insights/news/2015/january/challenges-of-upskilling-line-managers-face-every-type-of-firm
Author: Matt Packer

Comment: “Senior leaders throughout the UK have expressed mounting concerns about how they will develop the skills and talents of their line managers. According to a study published this week by business consultancy the Involvement and Participation Association (IPA), 70% of HR officers, directors and chief executives have put “upskilling line managers” in their Top Three of major challenges currently facing their firms.”




Website: Gallup, Inc.
Article: Older Baby Boomers More Engaged at Work Than Younger Boomers
Link: http://www.gallup.com/poll/181298/older-baby-boomers-engaged-work-younger-boomers.aspx?utm_source=tagrss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=syndication
Author: Jim Harter and Sangeeta Agrawal

Comment: “Baby boomers, the oldest of whom was 68 in 2014, comprise a large segment of those who remain in the workforce after age 60. Older baby boomers in the workforce, those aged 60 to 68, are more likely to be engaged in their work and workplace (35%) than younger baby boomers, those aged 50 to 59 (31%). This suggests a possible winnowing effect, in which engaged workers are most likely to remain in the workforce after age 60, perhaps because they have the best job situations.”




Website: Human Resources Director Magazine (Australia)
Article: Bootcamps and breaking down barriers: a unique journey to higher engagement rates
Link: http://www.hcamag.com/hr-news/bootcamps-and-breaking-down-barriersa-unique-journey-to-higher-engagement-rates-196252.aspx
Author: Nicola Middlemiss

Comment: “In just one year, the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) boosted employee engagement rates by a full 22 per cent – but how did they do it?”




Website: Entrepreneur
Article: How to Develop a Stellar Employer Brand
Link: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/242185
Author: Heather Huhman

Comment: “Ready to attract, hire and retain top talent? Here are five tips for developing a killer employer brand.”




Website: Gallup, Inc.
Article: Majority of US Employees Not Engaged Despite Gains in 2014
Link: http://www.gallup.com/poll/181289/majority-employees-not-engaged-despite-gains-2014.aspx?utm_source=tagrss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=syndication
Author: Amy Adkins

Comment: “Less than one-third (31.5%) of U.S. workers were engaged in their jobs in 2014. The average is up nearly two percentage points from 29.6% in 2013 and represents the highest reading since 2000, when Gallup first began tracking the engagement levels of the U.S. working population. However, a majority of employees, 51%, were still “not engaged” and 17.5% were “actively disengaged” in 2014.”




Website: Compensation Cafe
Article: Why Friends at Work Matter
Link: http://www.compensationcafe.com/2015/01/why-friends-at-work-matter-.html
Author: Derek Irvine

Comment: “Several studies have hit the blogosphere in recent months on the importance of friends at work. It seems a “soft” topic, yet it’s friendships and deep relationships at work that drive key business factors – productivity, retention and wellness.”




Website: Fast Company (Create)
Article: 8 Ways to be More Creative at Work, From the Mind Behind “Brain Games”
Link: http://www.fastcocreate.com/3041251/8-ways-to-be-more-creative-at-work-from-the-mind-behind-brain-games?utm_source=mailchimp&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=cocreate-weekly&position=2&partner=newsletter&campaign_date=01292015
Author: Susan Karlin

Comment: “Your reality is more malleable than you think. In the latest season of Brain Games, host Jason Silva tells how the behavioral revelations gleaned through his series can create a happier, more productive workplace.”




Website: Troy Media
Article: 5 sure-fire ways to improve employee engagement
Link: http://www.troymedia.com/2015/01/29/5-sure-fire-ways-improve-employee-engagement/
Author: Rebecca Schalm

Comment: “So rather than focus on measuring engagement and fretting over the results and implications it has on customers, bottom-line results and shareholder value, here are five practical sure-fire ways to instantly improve the engagement of employees.”




Website: Inc.
Article: 13 quotes that define true employee engagement
Link: http://www.inc.com/matt-ehrlichman/13-quotes-that-define-employee-engagement.html?cid=sf01001
Author: Matt Ehrlichman

Comment: “[A] collection of [13] quotes that embody the true meaning of employee engagement.”




Website: About.com (Money)
Article: 10 Ways to Retain Great Employees
Link: http://management.about.com/od/managementskills/fl/10-Ways-to-Retain-Great-Employees.htm
Author: Dan McCarthy

Comment: “[H]ere are 10 things that a smart manager can do to minimize the chances of losing their best employees for the wrong reasons.”




What are your thoughts on these selections? Which was your favorite?  What articles, blog posts, books, etc. can you recommend to other “Agents”?  Let’s talk about them in the comments below!


Let’s Engage!

I’m Agent in Engagement Simpson…Gregory F Simpson.

I’m excited about this opportunity to connect with fellow “Agents.” Subscribe to the RSS Feed to receive the latest updates and/or register to comment on posts.

GFS site photoYou can follow me @agtinengagement.
Email me at g…@a…t.com.
Learn more about me at www.gregoryfsimpson.com.



P.S.  First time here? Welcome to the Agent In Engagement site. Thanks for taking the time to stop by!  I hope you’ll explore the rest of the site. Let me know what employee engagement topics interest you.

Other recent Agent in Engagement articles by Gregory F Simpson: