declassified - 1415 - top secret crossed out

I’m Simpson…Gregory F Simpson, Agent In Engagement.  Below is the latest briefing on employee engagement intelligence. Follow @agtinengagement to stay current with the latest updates.

“These assets have been declassified and should be distributed to fellow “Agents” for review.”


The Best Leaders Aren’t Afraid to Ask for Help

Harvard Business Review: “[H]iding our weaknesses in an attempt to be strong leaders makes us weak leaders. Our vulnerabilities make us most vulnerable when we pretend they don’t exist.”

How to make robots and employees best friends

The HR Director: “Handing over certain tasks to a piece of computer software is a big change for any business, and some employees will need reassuring that their job isn’t on the line. Communication is key so that staff can understand that it’s there to help them as much as it is to develop the business. If people across the organisation embrace the change, man and machine can work according to their own strengths and be effective together.”

People Analytics at Bosch

Analytics in HR: “At UNLEASH Amsterdam, I [Erik van Vulpen] had the pleasure of interviewing Rainer Schlienkamp and Jasmin Wölke from the People Analytics team at Bosch. In the interview, we spoke about how to establish a data-driven mindset, skill management, and various other initiatives at Bosch.”

Your Office Politics Playbook: Relationships Are Your Goal At Work

Forbes: “In the previous article in this series, I taught you that human beings make decisions emotionally and justify them rationally. That’s one of the things that makes office politics so tricky to understand because it’s deeply rooted in the fundamentally irrational span of human emotion. So, approaching it from a place of logic, reason, process, and data just won’t work because those elements don’t appeal to our emotional needs. That leads us to our next core concept:…You have to get people to like you.”

Calculating the ROI and Benefits of HR Software

Greenhouse: “To demonstrate the real value and benefits of HR software, we’ve compiled data from a variety of sources to calculate it in terms your organization can embrace: time and money. We’ve also included a handful of other positive outcomes that organizations have experienced after implementing an HRIS. Take a look at the infographic to see what HR software could do for your company.”

This Company’s Phone Screens Were Useless Until They Tried This Method

LinkedIn Talent Blog: “We suggested they all master this performance-based phone screen starting by listening to this podcast. Those that did had noticeable improvements within a week. Here are the 4 steps for a truly useful phone screen.”

4 Types of One-on-Ones You Should be Having

Quantum Workplace: “Managers can do three things to drive engagement through one-on-ones: (1) make sure employees’ opinions and ideas are heard, (2) provide employees with opportunities for growth and development, and (3) give employees the information and resources needed to set them up for success. To achieve these goals, consider conducting one, or all, of these one-on-one conversations.”

2019 Trust Barometer: Employers Emerge As Most Trusted Institution

The Holmes Report: “The survey finds that employers that work to build trust will reap the rewards: employees who trust their employer demonstrate greater advocacy (71%), loyalty (78%), engagement (74%) and commitment (81%) than employees who do not trust their employer.”

6 Stats That Will Change the Way You Write Job Posts

LinkedIn Talent Blog: “Since your job posts may be the first interaction a candidate has with your company—and since they may be scrolling through dozens posted by your competitors—it’s essential to spark their interest and earn a second glance. How you craft your posts and when you upload them can make all the difference. Level up your job posts in 2019 with these 6 handy tips, inspired by insights from recent LinkedIn data.”

The Leadership Style That Companies Often Overlook, but Shouldn’t

Gallup: “Managers play a huge role in your employees’ daily experience and engagement level. So, doesn’t it make sense to give your people the kind of leader who will lift them up, day in and day out? To give them a coach, not a boss — one who is hired for their innate leadership qualities and not promoted solely based on time served? This isn’t a new concept, but for some reason it’s still not common practice.”

Fellow Agents, what are your thoughts on this intelligence? What do you have to add?  What other sources should be consulted? Make entries in the comments log below.

Let’s Engage!  

I’m Agent in Engagement Simpson…Gregory F Simpson.  

Employee engagement is a critical mission. I hope I can count on your help! Subscribe to the RSS Feed to receive the latest intelligence/insights and/or register to make entries in the comments log.  

Photo of Gregory F Simpson

You can follow me @agtinengagement.  
Email me at g…@a…  
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P.S.  First contact? Welcome to the Agent In Engagement community. Explore and join fellow employee engagement operatives in targeting a known thief – alias: Disengagement. Together we can bring this thief to justice and make the world a better place for all companies and their employees.  

Other recent Agent in Engagement data/reports by Agent Gregory F Simpson: