Is Holacracy the Answer to Employee Engagement?

By |2015-11-10T14:49:10-05:00September 24, 2015|Employees, Managers, Sr. Leadership|Comments Off on Is Holacracy the Answer to Employee Engagement?

Imagine that you have a clear understanding of the roles you fill and have the accountability and authority to perform those roles however you see fit…and no one can tell you how to or what to do. Would that engage you?  Does it sound like a fantasy?  Actually, it’s a reality at Zappos and 300+ other companies.   This new organizational model is called Holacracy and its founding father, Brain J. Robertson, is the author of Holacracy: The New Management System for a Rapidly Changing World. Mr. Robertson finds that, “the traditional hierarchy is reaching its limits, but “flat management” alternatives [...]