Better Engaged Employees – Part 2: Following Through

By |2015-11-10T14:55:25-05:00October 29, 2013|Employees, Managers, Onboarding, Programs, Sr. Leadership|Comments Off on Better Engaged Employees – Part 2: Following Through

Click here if you missed Better Engaged Employees – Part 1: Initiating the Goal. The Plan Utilizing the 10 Tenets of Customer Service, my plan was to provide some context to the changes that were happening within the Company. By focusing on one Tenet each week for 10 consecutive weeks, each class would build on the previous class and address customer service best practices from both employee and Company standpoints. Living Customer Service Since I was trying to improve the quality of service our team provided to its customers, I wanted to ensure that my customers – the Billing and Payments employees [...]